From the ashes of bassist/vocalist Peter Steele's post-apocalyptic,
warrior tribe by the name of Carnivore, a seminal hardcore-metal
crossover act, Type O Negative rose from Brooklyn, New York to become one
of the premiere metal bands of the nineties. The blueprint from Type O's
precursor band wasn't thrown in the waste bin; instead, it was stained
with gothic black hair dye and covered by an easily identifiable
Sabbath-like doom coating. Come 2003, 'Life Is Killing Me' shows the
band poised to dominate the metal world in the new millennium without
losing any of its self-deprecating, dry sense of humor. With the help of
drummer Johnny Kelly, the Metal Update explored Type O Negative's
exploits in great detail. To the surprise of many, Johnny and Type O
(rounded out by Kenny Hickey on guitars and Josh Silver on keyboards)
aren't really vampires, but it's more than obvious that Johnny is a down
to earth metalhead who was more than eager to talk metal shop with the
Metal Update.
METAL UPDATE: Hey Johnny. This is Jay Gorania. I'm calling about. . .
JOHNNY KELLY: You're retarded!
MU: I'm sorry?
JK: You're absolutely retarded! You know that?
MU: Johnny?
JK: Wait! Is this Bobby?
MU: No. I'm calling about an interview for Metal Update. Were you aware
of this?
JK: Yeah, I'm sorry! (laughs) I just thought it was a friend of mine who
does stuff like that every time he calls. I thought you were him. What's
MU: (laughs) Not much, my friend. I know it's been quite some time since
September 11th, but since you're from New York, so close to the
incredible events of that day, I have to ask you about your perspective.
You're still in Brooklyn, right?
JK: I live in Staten Island, which is right across the harbor from
Manhattan. Kenny lives about ten minutes from me now. I can get to his
house faster now than when we were growing up together. But I was
getting my daughter dressed. We were going to go to the waterside near
the ferry, where you can see the Manhattan skyline, because it really was
such a nice day. And my brother calls me and says, "What are you doing?"
"Oh I'm getting Sophia dressed. I'm going down to Bay Street to get my
car worked on. We're going to go have breakfast." He says, "Put the TV
on." So I see that the World Trade Center is the focus, and there's
smoke coming out of them! I thought it was one of those good morning
shows where they were showing scenes from the new Bruce Willis Die Hard
movie or something. Then I realized that it was real. It was terrible.
We couldn't get away from the TV for the entire time. I imagine the
entire country was like that.
MU: Yeah, pretty much. But unlike myself, way down in Texas, this was
almost literally in your backyard. You must have feared for your family
and friends.
JK: I was definitely worried about friends, because I have a bunch of
friends who are fireman and policeman. And I was fortunate enough only
to lose a couple of people that I knew. A guy that actually works for us
on and off, his best friend died. It's a guy I'd see every once in a
while. He taught me some stuff about computers - gave me software. A
really good friend of mine, he's a firefighter in lower Manhattan. He
had the day off, and he lost like 12 of his co-workers. His captain
died. Had it not been his day off, that would have been a funeral that I
would have had to go to.
MU: To get a touch political, what's your view on the Iraq situation?
JK: I just can't understand why the job wasn't finished 12 years ago. How
did this guy have this opportunity to rebuild himself? I think it was
right that we had to get rid of him, because the regime had to go. And I
think now because of September 11th a lot of things have changed in how
the United States views foreign policy. The one thing that it did prove
is that the UN is a joke, because they don't do anything. They couldn't
prevent one guy from making weapons. How could an
organization of so many countries let something like that happen? They
were afraid to go in there and smack this guy around a little bit. I
think that the inspections were initially the right thing to do. And
then the minute you don't comply, you get taken out. And this guy kept
on screwing around, so finally he got taken out. And now everybody's
making an uproar about it. You play by the rules or you don't get to
play. I was also thankful that the casualties were so low, and I mean on
both sides. That's such a good thing. I don't know how many people in
Iraq were killed, but I imagine that it was a lot lower than what it
could have been. (The US and allied forces) had a specific agenda, and
they were just going in and pinpointing specific targets. But the
military still hasn't explained why they haven't got Saddam Hussein yet?
Why haven't they got Usama Bin Laden with all this high-tech stuff? I
think they should send the mafia in.
MU: (laughs) They'll get the job done right.
JK: They find everybody. When they look for someone they find them, or
they'll make sure they never come back.
MU: Forgive me for my ignorance, but how far off is my stereotypical view
that for whatever reason the New York area is conducive to a
"Saprano's" type of environment? Is it true, to an extent?
JK: Where I grew up and when I grew up, it was like that. Since Gotti
got locked up, I think they put a lot of that high profile stuff in the
past. You don't see things like that out in the open. It's definitely
low-key. There are people around. It's New York. Wherever there's
opportunity, the mafia will be there. But now the feds have all those
Reichow acts, so it's very easy to lock them up. So they're just being
more creative and finding other things to get into. 25 years ago you
didn't hear about the mafia in the stock market. Now you get guys
getting locked up all the time. They made a mint and now the
government's starting to catch on. And guys are getting whacked.
MU: I understand that y'all are in the midst of rehearsing?
JK: Yea, we've been rehearsing, getting ready to go over to Europe for
three weeks. We're on a couple of festivals, and we added some club
dates in between. Opeth will be doing the German club dates. I
originally thought that they were going to do the Scandinavian dates
because they're from Sweden.
MU: Opeth are fantastic!
JK: Yea, I saw them when I played with Danzig on the Blackest Of The
Black last month. They were one of the bands on the bill and they were
really good, really heavy.
MU: I wanted to get into that - you're currently also playing with
JK: Yea. I had been playing with Danzig since October. I was doing
MU: Was it difficult with your recording schedule?
JK: No. Actually, all the recording was done. Before I went to Europe
with Danzig in November the record was done. And I worked with Josh for
a couple of days and crammed in some final stuff before I had to leave.
And so all the drums got finished and I was pretty much free to do
whatever - and the "Blackest Of The Black" shows came up. Then I came
back and I've been rehearsing with Type O. And he said he has some stuff
happening in September, which I'm hoping that I'll be able to do, but I
don't know what the schedule's going to be like. It's hard for me to
MU: Has he in any way offered you a position, time permitting.
JK: He would prefer to have somebody that was on a more permanent basis.
I mean, he's offered me the job because we get along great. He likes the
way I play. So in that aspect, he's been dealing with the fact that I
have other obligations. But I don't know if he's going to be able to do
that for an extended period of time. I think he wants a permanent guy.
But as long as he'll have me, I'll always play with him. Type O toured
with Danzig in '94 when his '4' record came out. And I was a real big
fan. Oh, and not to mention all the Misfits stuff. He's definitely an
icon. The guy's been around for a long time, and he's made a lot of
MU: How did the hook up come about?
JK: It was kind of a mutual thing. I saw that Joey (Castillo) quit to
join Queens Of The Stone Age. I knew guys that worked for Danzig that
used to work for Type O Negative, so I had just called them to see what
was going on. And like an hour later somebody else from Danzig called
me. Then Todd Youth was playing phone tag with me. Then I auditioned.
We got along and it was really cool, but at the time it seemed that Glen
wanted a permanent guy. And they went with another guy, a local guy. But
he didn't work out. They had a European tour booked that was
leaving in like two weeks. They asked me to do it, and they flew me out
to LA. Then, being trapped in a bus for a couple of weeks, you get to
know each other. And Glenn and I actually wound up hitting it off pretty
MU: So Glenn Danzig isn't the egomaniac many paint him out to be?
JK: No. I think it's just one of those situations where the guy has been
around the block. He knows what he wants, and he'll have a certain way
of how he wants it to be. And he's in a position (where) he's entitled
to that. So as long as you know where you stand, there isn't a problem.
MU: It sounds like people basically don't realize that he has a certain
formula of how he and those around him need to work, and they take that
out of context and associate certain attributes to his personality.
JK: I think so, yea. Because when I hung out with him, I found that he
has a very healthy sense of humor. We were torturing guys out in LA,
like the guy who works in his office. We did a joke on him. "How come
you didn't pick us up yet? We're over here at Jerry's house (the bass
player). We're waiting for you to pick us up." He's like, "What are you
talking about? You guys said you were going to get here." I said, "No
dude, you said you were coming to get us. We're going on stage in
fucking 20 minutes, and you're not here! What's going on? Dude, it's
worse, because you know what?" And I put Glenn on the phone. Glenn was
like, "Yo, Lou, where are you?" (laughs) And the guy didn't know what to
say. We just lost it! But yeah, it was really cool to hang out with
him. I'd sit there and pick his brains half the time, like the annoying
kid brother.
MU: Type O is notorious for goofing off and messing around, though many
still picture you to be some dark, goth overlords in a Scandinavian
JK: You have to have a sense of humor. We've never been able to take
ourselves seriously. I think it's healthy. It keeps the band grounded
in terms of not letting the ego get ahead of you and that nonsense. But
think about it. It's like a Munsters episode come to life! How serious
do you take that?!?
MU: I'm a huge fan of Type O, and quite frankly, I can be somewhat
fanatical about bands. But have you had experiences with fans that are
just too much, to the point where it's almost scary? What's the most
bizarre or sick thing that you've encountered when dealing with a fan?
When were things just too out of hand?
JK: You get the usual stuff, like people really think we're vampires. One
girl was like, "My boyfriend's going to build me a castle and
vampire this and that." And she's like, "You guys aren't vampires?" Me
and Kenny were like, "No. What the fuck do you think this is?" She
started crying. She couldn't believe it. We shattered this whole image
of what she had. There are some songs that lend to that atmosphere. But
I wouldn't say that the entire catalogue of Type O Negative is about
Nosferatu and Morticia Adams. I don't see where the goth is in a song
like "White Slavery" or "World Coming Down" or, shit, "Kill All The White
People". That's definitely not goth. It's just one thing that people
grabbed onto and they identified with it. You have to get
categorized, and that's what we got categorized as.
MU: The goth element is definitely there, but you're definitely far from
being Sisters Of Mercy.
JK: (laughs) Right! Exactly! I think we're more of a metal / hard rock
band than we are a goth band. If we didn't have black hair, then they
probably wouldn't be so quick to point it out as goth.
MU: There's an abundance of information out there about Peter, almost
exclusively about Peter, but what were you doing before Type O? I
understand that you were a postal worker to pay the bills, but what were
you doing musically?
JK: I was playing in a hard rock-blues band, more like somewhere between
Zeppelin and Skynrd. I was playing lots of rock, speed metal, thrash
metal. I was a big Metallica head as a teenager. But I dug all kinds of
stuff, and I was playing with just about anybody. Kenny always called me
a drummer slut. I really enjoy playing, and I'd rather do that than
swing a hammer, be a mailman, an auto mechanic or a carpenter. I was
pretty much destined for manual labor, so if I'm going to swing anything,
I'd rather it be a drumstick. And I was really taking my chances with
MU: Kenny did all the leads for Dust To Dust's latest release. Is Peter
or Josh up to anything as far as side projects go?
JK: Right now (Peter's) doing a lot of press. There's a lot more on his
plate than there is on mine or Kenny's. But he was describing this thing
called "Billycore."
MU: "Billycore?"
JK: Yea, this psycho hillbilly-hardcore stuff where everybody plays
banjos. At least that was the way that he was trying to describe it to
me. Wow! It sounds fucking insane! (laughs)
MU: (laughs) I'll give him two notches up in the originality department.
JK: That's what I was going to say. I bet there's nobody doing that
right now. So he was talking about doing that with some of his friends.
But yea, Kenny did all the leads on Rob (Traynor's) record (he of Dust To
Dust - JG). I've known Rob since I was 15-16 years old. We used to be
in a band together with my brother playing old Metallica songs, or at
least trying to.
MU: Ah, back to Metallica.
JK: Yea, sure. I've admired what they've done. I'm not going to say I
like what they've done on 'Load' and 'Reload'. They're not my 'Master Of
Puppets'. But I give them a lot of credit for hanging in there. Because
it's not even necessary for them to work for a living. They don't have
to do anything. I think it's pure self-indulgence. They're making the
kind of music they are because that's what they're into at this point. I
admire the fact that they're not trying to do another 'Ride The
Lightning' or another 'Black' record. How do you top that? That was one
of the biggest selling records of all time. You don't. You go on to
something different. People were expecting another 'Black' record, and
they didn't want them to get haircuts.
MU: A look is nothing more than surface aesthetic, for the most part. Who
JK: Exactly. But some people take their look very seriously and put a
lot of stock into it.
MU: A lot of people put a lot of stock into your goth image. "Black No.
1" was a satirical jab at that.
JK: Yea! And I'm not sure how people would take to it if we cut off all
our hair. I'd like to find out. But I don't put a lot of stock into it,
MU: Speaking of appearance, is it true that y'all shaved your eyebrows to
attend a friend's wedding once upon a time?
JK: We had a show that we were playing at L'Amours on New Year's Eve, and
Peter had the urge to do something different; and it was our
manager's wedding a couple of days before or after. So, we didn't have
any eyebrows. And they've got pictures of us wearing penguin suits with
no eyebrows! God, that was almost ten years ago! That wasn't a good
look! Peter looked kind of interesting.
MU: Is there ever going to be a Carnivore reunion, to the best of your
JK: As far as I know, at this point, I can pretty much say no. Peter
hasn't spoken to any of those guys in a long time. I see Mark once in a
while. I haven't seen Louie in a long time. It seemed like they were
doing the annual final Carnivore show.
MU: I even heard about Peter handing out communist literature to screw
with people's perceptions about him and Carnivore even further. I
believe that was at a reunion gig.
JK: Yea, yea. I used to love that old stuff. I thought that stuff was
out of control. Their sense of humor was so over the top.
MU: Now that was something that people took far too seriously as well.
JK: Oh yeah. They really read too deep into it, instead of looking at it
as a 22-year-old from Brooklyn. Take it for what it is, my friend.
MU: It wasn't about a man who was literally trying to take over the
JK: Yeah. Here's a man who's probably been as far as Pennsylvania, at
the time.
MU: Just like you're saying many took that too seriously, there were a
lot of people who didn't take the first Type O album with a grain of salt
at all. I know you encountered many problems in Europe. Since that time
you've poked fun at critics or fans that perceive you as being a certain
way (i.e. "Black No. 1" and "Kill All The White People"). Some people are
hell bent on hating Type O, because you don't fit neatly into the P.C.
JK: You can't fucking say anything! I'm glad we're not fucking P.C.!
P.C. is just too Big Brother - telling me how I should act and feel.
We're not really crossing the line (into) bad morals. We're not
preaching anything. But in this day and age I think it's going to
constrict art and creativity on all fronts. Imagine now pitching to a
network a show like All In The Family.
MU: It would just be thrown out the window.
JK: Right. Or The Jeffersons, which had the same creator, Norman Lear.
Shows like that could never see the light of day. But at the same time
they crashed barriers. They addressed so many subjects at the time, and
yet it made you laugh. I think it was critical for pop culture to have
that show. I think it did bring awareness to stuff like that. You could
never have a show like that now.
MU: I can understand that complete bigotry shouldn't be included in a
school's curriculum, but I was watching CNN the other day, and
apparently some are advocating that some terms need to be changed to
reflect modern day ideals. They brought up that "founding fathers" needs
to be "founding framers" and that "snowman" needs to be
JK: It's just a crock of shit. People are spending money fighting this
shit in court too. You have nothing else better in your day? There's
nothing better for you to do than change "man" to "person?" And it's a
total disregard for history. It can't be altered. (It) was written
hundreds of years ago. You can't do that!
MU: What did you do the last few years, besides touring?
JK: We did a cover of "Highway Star" for a compilation for NASCAR. For
wrestling we covered Kane's theme, (but) it wound up not getting used.
Personally I think it was great to be home for my daughter, to be a part
of the really important years. This isn't your usual job. So now we're
going to miss out on some stuff, because the whole touring cycle is going
to start up. And children change. When I went away with Danzig, I came
home a month later and my daughter was a completely different kid. I was
glad that she remembered me. (laughs) So, to not be around for periods at
a time sucks. But at the same time, it'll be good to get back to work.
I've been dying to play. That's why I was playing with Danzig, playing
with a Zeppelin cover band and working with Kenny and Rob from Dust to
Dust. I just had to keep myself busy and stay productive.
MU: What did you do the last few years, besides touring?
JK: We did a cover of "Highway Star" for a compilation for NASCAR. For
wrestling we covered Kane's theme, (but) it wound up not getting used.
Personally I think it was great to be home for my daughter, to be a part
of the really important years. This isn't your usual job. So now we're
going to miss out on some stuff, because the whole touring cycle is going
to start up. And children change. When I went away with Danzig, I came
home a month later and my daughter was a completely different kid. I was
glad that she remembered me. (laughs) So, to not be around for periods at
a time sucks. But at the same time, it'll be good to get back to work.
I've been dying to play. That's why I was playing with Danzig, playing
with a Zeppelin cover band and working with Kenny and Rob from Dust to
Dust. I just had to keep myself busy and stay productive.
MU: Peter's obligatory, "I'm leaving this band because everything sucks"
hasn't been said with the launch of this album, oddly enough. Is he a
little bit happier nowadays?
JK: He's been saying that for years. At the time, it's just him venting
frustration. Now he's pretty cool about things. He wants to see the
band reach its full potential. He's actually really enthusiastic, and
dare I use the word, he's optimistic. This record isn't (a similar) ugly
reminder. He's in a little bit of a better place right now. So the
mirror isn't as tough to look into.
MU: I'll go out on a limb and say (that) it's almost a happy Type O
JK: At times it is. There are definitely lighter moments. After 'World
Coming Down', where do you go? The only way to go is up. 'World Coming
Down' really does create an atmosphere. It's maybe not one that you want
to be in all the time, but you really can feel like you're in the bottom
of the depths of hell. That's what the record was trying to accomplish,
and I think the goal was met. But if it was to continue on the way of
'World Coming Down', 'Life Is Killing Me' would've been a collection of
songs to describe how it all ended. (laughs) There would have been a song
about the funeral procession - here's a song about the reaction of the
family. That ultimately would've been the end of that record. That
would've been the end of that cycle. So instead of going deeper that
way, he wanted to write something that he could laugh with, something
that wasn't completely self-pity.
MU: He wanted to write something that wasn't completely doom-laden, then?
Not that that's a bad thing.
JK: Right, because doom riffs are always welcome. (laughs) But with the
subject matter, he didn't want to address the demons over again, and then
have to sing about it every night on stage.
MU: Speaking of that, when playing those tortured songs that filled
'World Coming Down', was it almost a painful experience at times?
Because that's not a happy record.
JK: Maybe for him, like doing a song like "Everything Dies". That didn't
stay in the set very long. But it's not like that record got completely
abandoned. We'll do a couple songs from it for the new tours, which I'm
glad about. He wasn't crazy about playing songs from that record. He
likes playing songs from 'October Rust' and 'Bloody Kisses' because it's
a little bit more lighthearted in nature.
MU: I see elements of the jam vibe of 'World Coming Down' surface yet
again, yet the lightheartedness and hardcore-esque approach from the
earlier Type O material has been revisited. Where do you personally see
that there are parallels with this album and what you've done before?
JK: I think the tongue in cheek approach is really what ties all the
records together. With that, what ties it all together is that it's the
same guys with the same approach to making a record. With some of the
later records you're seeing some of the other influences peeking through
- a little bit more of the classic rock stuff that we grew up on, like
Zeppelin and Sabbath. And Peter and Josh are big Deep Purple fans. If
you listen to their live records, it's all fucking jamming. Like "Dazed
And Confused" live is 25 minutes long. It's a four to five minute song
on the first record! So some of our influences, instead of just having
the goth thing, are starting to surface. I guess a part of that is from
having fun, playing and screwing around. Josh gets annoyed at us at
rehearsal because it becomes like a Black Sabbath jukebox! Peter will
play some riff off some record and then I kick in; then Kenny jumps in
and Josh just sits there and gets annoyed at us. Once in a while Josh
will screw around with some Deep Purple keyboard riff or something and
everyone jumps in! And that's a part of the fun element, instead of it
just being work. Then at one point it sounds like Saturday afternoon
guitar center where all the kids are trying out new guitars. (laughs)
MU: Did Peter or Josh ever listen to anything outside of Sabbath, Deep
Purple and The Beatles? Those bands are almost the only ones that they
ever mention.
JK: No. Peter mentions other stuff. Peter really has an eclectic range
of music listening. He'll listen to something like Curve or Red House
Painters, and then he'll put on something like The Exploited and go from
there to Laibach, and then to The Beatles, The Bee Gees, The Turtles,
Black Sabbath, Agnostic Front. But yeah, it really is that wide and
vast. On the bus he'll have Laibach blasting while he's working out, and
I'm just waking up thinking that we're being invaded. It's fucking
invasion music. It sounds like tanks rolling and marching. I'm like,
"Holy shit! What year it is?"
MU: Y'all don't respect each other on the bus?
JK: No, we do. We give each other our space, but there are times like
when Josh used to have this thing where he'd vacuum the bus at 8:30 in
the morning. He was just doing it to annoy us, because he'd go to sleep
early and we'd come in the bus completely shit-faced, and then we'd start
torturing him. Everybody would have jokes at his expense. So that was
his revenge. But no, everybody gives each other our space. Everybody
knows once you've passed that threshold of "don't fuck with me!" We're
always making fun of each other. And it's tough because I bring that
into my personal relationship with my wife. And the way Type O
communicates is through harassment and degradation. Then when I try
talking to my wife like that, it doesn't work. She's not responsive to
it at all. So even in my thirties, I'm learning everyday.
MU: But you do seem like a pretty tight ship. Referencing the whole band
lifestyle, it's like a multi-member marriage, is it not?
JK: It totally is. From what I'm told, as a band we get along good.
Like, me and Kenny play together when we're not in Type O Negative. When
I play in my cover band, Peter and Kenny come out and hang out. So we do
a lot of hanging out as opposed to just being in a working band together.
I think that's why the band has been able to exist for that long. We
kind of look at it at this point like it's family. And (we've adopted)
the philosophy that families use: you can pick your friends but you can't
pick your family. You learn to tolerate everyone's
idiosyncrasies, like the crazy uncle or the neurotic grandparent. You
just learn to deal with it and you shrug it off and just keep going on.
MU: So you accept a bit of the negative to carry on and grow with each
JK: Yeah. Hey, the name definitely fits the band as a whole. The name
is very appropriate.
MU: How many tracks were used when recording this album?
JK: This record we did with Protools, so I don't really know how many
things we used because with Protools you can keep going and going. I
think Josh said it was fifty-something.
MU: That's almost back to the number of tracks that were used on
'October Rust'.
JK: Oh yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on: a lot of guitar tracks,
keyboards and secondary instruments like sitars and other percussion.
Peter had one of his friends do the sitar: Paul Bento. He has done all
the sitar work since 'Bloody Kisses'.
MU: Why did you cover "Angry Inch"?
JK: I think the contrast is uncanny. I like the way it came out. We
were trying some other covers, but they were just lacking something.
MU: It's a far cry from the classic songs you've covered in the past
(i.e. from Seals & Crofts and The Beatles to Neil Young and Black
Sabbath). It's good, but it's just not what I had expected.
JK: You have to learn to expect the unexpected with Type O. I saw the
play with the original cast when it was playing in New York. And I have
the DVD for the movie. It's like Rocky Horror meets Spinal Tap. I think
it's hysterical for Type O to cover it. It's the complete
opposite of Peter's image of the Playgirl, macho Adonis thing. Here's
this guy singing about this scrawny little transvestite that has a sex
change that goes bad! I think it's absolutely hysterical.
MU: Pete has that certain look. I don't mean the Adonis one that the
ladies love; rather, he has that psychopathic horror movie look. He
looks like Lurch (from The Addams Family - for the benefit of some of our
younger readers - JG).
JK: He was on an episode of Oz, the HBO show.
MU: So he got to hang out with Evan (Seinfeld - Biohazard's frontman who
played the role of Jaz Hoyt on Oz - JG).
JK: Yeah, well him and Evan did a lot of hanging out in their youth.
MU: I never really thought about that, but I should've drawn the
parallel. There's the whole Brooklyn connection.
JK: God! I've known Evan longer than I've known anybody in Type O
Negative. Me and Evan used to play in a band together as kids. I
couldn't have been older than 15. We used to play Iron Maiden and Judas
Priest songs. That was when we were learning how to play. I've known
him for like twenty years now. All those guys are nice. Danny and Billy
- I talk to them every once in a while. They were living out here in
Staten Island also. So I would see them hanging out at Home Depot or
whatever. I'm always doing stuff around the house. I'm always getting
Kenny to come over to help. He shows me some carpentry things; and I
show him how to work on his car. (laughs) He used to be
carpenter/plumber; I used to be a mechanic.
MU: You really are like brothers.
JK: Yeah, because we live so close to each other.
MU: What does the summer and fall hold for touring?
JK: We're going to Europe for three weeks. We'll be (back home) for two
in the States. This is all subject to change, but the plan is to go back
to Europe in the fall, and do the States after that. But a lot of that
stuff gets into statistics. How well is the record doing? Can we afford
to stay out there? What's available to us? Package tours are always
more cost effective. . . and are more fun.
MU: There's the obvious industry and label politics to deal with.
JK: This record is the end of our contract with Roadrunner. We've
fulfilled it. Right now we're waiting to see what happens. On our end,
getting the record done has been our goal. But I'm not really sure
what's going to take place. We'll see how the record does. I think
that's what everyone is waiting on. Some people probably still don't
believe that the record is coming out. We were putting together the
European run that we're about to do, and promoters didn't believe that we
were coming. They thought it was a rumor, because we haven't been there
in years. It was weird rehearsing, because we're putting together songs
we haven't played in years! We're doing at least three songs off each
record. We even managed to fit "Are You Afraid" from 'Origin Of The
Feces'. And it's so much of a workout. It just kicks the shit out of
me, and I love it! (laughs) Those double bass runs...for years now I
haven't really played double bass. Even playing with Danzig, there's a
limited amount of double bass. And where there is double bass in those
Danzig songs, it's done at a moderate tempo. It wasn't hard work per se,
but playing a song like "Pain" or "Fucking Someone Else" kicks the shit
out of me! I'm glad that I quit smoking. It's been over a year. Now I
feel like I can play for hours and hours, as opposed to coming off stage
ready to drop dead.
more cost effective. . . and are more fun.
MU: As a fan you stated why Metallica is still going. If you could step
outside your shoes and look inside the band from, say, a friend's
perspective, why would you say that Type O is still going? What's the
JK: (pauses) I think with us a part of it is fear.
MU: Fear?
JK: Fear to try something else. Fear to quit. It's like we're afraid to
shoot the horse. (laughs) I think that's part of it. And part of it is
that if you're going to have to work for a living, I'd rather work with
these guys. But I still genuinely enjoy being in Type O Negative. That's
at least why I'm here. I enjoy playing and performing with them. I love
performing so much more than working in the studio. So if we lived
through the last four years together, I think it's a good sign that we're
here to stay. (laughs) Maybe the drummer will be replaced. Maybe I'm
fired and someone forgot to tell me. (laughs)
MU: (laughs) Metallica might not have to continue playing to survive, but
it could be argued that they're in it for the money.
JK: But they got big without MTV or radio play. They just wrote great
records and hit the road. 'Ride The Lightning' was gold on Megaforce.
(That was) unheard of, especially at the time. I remember that every kid
in high school that had hair passed their shoulders and a leather jacket
had that record. It was all about Metallica. They hit and everybody
forgot everyone else. And it was all through hard work, man. I remember
seeing them at L'Amours in 1985 or something. They were touring for
'Ride The Lightning'.
MU: I envy you. What a great show that must have been!
JK: Actually, they were really shitfaced. They were laughing; they'd
play around a little bit; they would joke around; they were stumbling. I
loved it. That night it was Armored Saint, Metallica and WASP.
JK: At the time, it was their first record and I loved it. I thought
that was like a dream bill. And WASP, they were really on top of their
game. It was a great show to watch. Blackie Lawless was and still is a
great performer! I'm so glad that I got to see Metallica with Cliff
JK: At the time, it was their first record and I loved it. I thought
that was like a dream bill. And WASP, they were really on top of their
game. It was a great show to watch. Blackie Lawless was and still is a
great performer! I'm so glad that I got to see Metallica with Cliff
MU: How was it seeing John Bush singing with Armored Saint? He's got
some pipes!
JK: I saw Armored Saint a couple of times as a teenager and I always
thought he's got a great voice. John Bush is one of those guys who's got
a great rock voice.
MU: Did you know that Metallica asked him to be their singer twice?
JK: Really?
MU: Yeah. He turned down the offer both times.
JK: I don't think John Bush would be the right guy to sing in Metallica.
'Ride The Lightning' and 'Kill 'Em All' - I can't see John Bush singing
on those records.
MU: I think it may have actually been before each of those albums when
they asked him to join.
JK: Really? But those first two records obviously had a very strong Dave
Mustaine influence in the writing. When Hetfield started writing more on
'Master Of Puppets', I could see that being more John Bush. I thought
when John Bush joined Anthrax that it was a good match up.
MU: 'The Sound Of White Noise' - what a killer album!
JK: On tour it was great too! And he did some really good stuff with the
older material. I used to go see Anthrax all the time. They're from New
York! (laughs) They used to play L'Amours all the time. They were
playing a bunch when 'Spreading The Disease' first came out. And then it
just exploded and they couldn't play the small venues anymore.
MU: Regardless of whether Bush fit the 'Master Of Puppets' album or not,
as it stands, it's one of the best albums of all time, and a well
rounded one at that.
JK: I would have to agree. There is not one weak song on that record. I
saw them twice on that tour. I saw them open up for Ozzy, and they just
annihilated Ozzy! I saw the 'Bark At The Moon' tour, but wait, it was
'The Ultimate Sin' tour, and Metallica was the opening band. That was
like seeing god! And then Cliff Burton died. And they came back (with)
Jason Newsted and played the Capitol Theatre. It was cool, and Jason did
a great job. They were untouchable. I think I was like 18 years old. I
bought the record the day that it came out!
MU: How was it seeing Newsted after seeing the band with Burton?
JK: Technically, it seemed like Jason was more of a player, like he had
more chops. I had Flotsam and Jetsam's record at the time, so I knew who
he was and I was kind of familiar with the bass player that he was. But
Cliff was Cliff! You saw him on stage and thought, "What's wrong with
this picture?" Here he was: this real tall guy who always had a Misfits
shirt on, and he had these super huge bell-bottoms, which nobody was
wearing! It seemed like he was a throw back of a hippie!
MU: How could someone headbang like that? It was almost literally neck
JK: Exactly! He was just this. . . enigma! His whole attitude was just,
"Fuck all of it!" And he would just go up on stage, pummel
everybody and he'd leave. He was an amazing, monster bass player and
everybody knew it. He was just Cliff! Everybody would be like, "All
hail Cliff!" He had this legion of followers.
MU: He was there to take care of business.
JK: It just seemed like he gave the impression that he had no time for
anything except for the hour on stage. He didn't care about anything!
Glenn (Danzig) would tell me the stories, because there's that whole
Metallica connection. He'd be like, "Cliff would be all fucked up and he
would call me up at four in the morning and go, 'Glenn, we're going to
cover 'Green Hell'. I need the lyrics.'" Things like that! (laughs) The
image that he portrayed, that was him.
MU: On a smaller scale, everything you just described about Metallica
describes yourselves. You have that diehard legion of fans, and you've
paid your dues on the road.
JK: I think we've had to play the game a little bit more than Metallica,
though. They've made a lot of their own rules. They're able to play the
game that they want. We've had to learn to play within some of it. We're
still learning how to pick and choose our battles. Metallica fought
Electra and they won! They're two for two in court.
MU: A lot of that just has to do with their financial standing.
JK: No, I think part of it is that they know when to pick and choose
their battles. They had grounds to stand on in both cases. Everybody
singles out Metallica as being bad guys but they shook up the whole
industry. They saved a lot of people. They did a lot for me by taking
on Napster and winning.
MU: Obviously you're definitely against. . .
JK: No. I'm not definitely against it, because I do it too. But for
me, it's hard to find Hellacopters on CD here.
MU: You enjoy the Hellacopters? They're great! Have you ever listened
to Entombed? Because you definitely need to check them out if you like
the Hellacopters, whose frontman (Nicke Anderson) used to be the drummer
for Entombed. Both those bands write amazing songs.
JK: We toured with Entombed on the 'October Rust' tour. They came out
with us and Stuck Mojo, and we did a run in the UK for a few weeks. But
as for the Hellacopters, love 'em! But I can't find their CDs anywhere
here, so I downloaded everything I could off of 'Grande Rock' and more.
And then when I was in LA I bought their stuff. So if it's used in that
kind of capacity, then yeah, I don't have a problem with it. People are
going to do it. But there has to be a way where a company like Napster
can't make a profit off of it. Give something back to the thing that
you're selling! Some of it has got to make its way back to the bands.
Because, honestly, you can't make music if everybody's trading it for
free. Because it costs money to make music; it costs money to buy the
gear; it costs money to rehearse. Even if you have a day job, it costs
money to make music. We're not talking about cassettes or eight tracks
here. When I was a kid and I wanted to tape a record, I at least had to
go to somebody's house to get the record first. Now, I just sit on my
ass and click with a mouse. If I'm wireless, I don't even have to leave
my bathroom. (laughs) And that's the part that hurts. Now it's
completely effortless. A Type O Negative couldn't even challenge that
MU: The Britney Spears fan would say, "Who the hell is Type O Negative?"
JK: Right! Who the fuck are you? Get out of here. Metallica takes
somebody to court. . . BANG! Everybody knows about it. It becomes news.
It's not about them being greedy. I just thought it was about what's
right and wrong. They shook the system. A band like Metallica has the
political and financial clout to take on something like that. But they
got portrayed like bad guys. Meanwhile, they were fighting for guys like
me. I've got a daughter, a family I need to feed, and this is how I feed
them. And then it gets into a matter of who's right and who's wrong
here? People think that it's their sovereign right to download music and
not have to pay for it. How do you figure? (laughs) Any product that's
out there, you've got to pay for. I mean, shit, you've got to pay for
gasoline. Should I get my gasoline for free? Sure, Metallica may not be
the Alcohollica that I once knew them as, but it's just like the whole
thing with Ozzy. It's so disappointing to see him now as a mere mortal.
He's a dad and he has his own TV show. He's so normal. (laughs)
MU: The Osbournes definitely demystified Ozzy as being that raging maniac
of Sabbath who would always do a copious amount of drugs and behave like
an animal.
JK: Yeah! There were all those stories that you heard, and I was like,
"This guy is the shit!" Now I'm like, "He's just a guy." It's like
finding out your dad isn't superman. (laughs)
MU: (laughs) Regardless, though, I'll always love Ozzy.
JK: I know. Man, I used to bring the Ozzy records home, and my mom was
like, "What is that crap?" But my parents were both young, so I was
raised on The Beatles, The Stones, Zeppelin. And getting into Ozzy and
Sabbath, it was just one record they didn't get into. It was really hard
to rebel. Nothing was really too shocking - even Merciful Fate. My
mother was just like, "Just lower it. It's crap." (laughs)
MU: They weren't even offended by the imagery?
JK: No. Not really. I had the Black Sabbath posters up on the wall -
the whole 666. My mother got kind of tweaked out when I brought a
satanic bible home once. "Don't bring this into my house. If you want
to read it - whatever. Just don't read it in my house." But that's the
weirdest it got with my parents. They saw it like some kind of phase.
They saw that I didn't have a problem with drugs or alcohol, so they
liked that.
MU: I take it they've always been supportive of your music, then.
JK: Yes and no. By playing, it did keep me out of a lot of trouble
because I'd rather play than go hang out. But at the same time, my
mother didn't want me to make a career out of it because I come from a
family of a lot of musicians. My mother saw the whole dream happen and
fall apart for a bunch of her cousins. I was in a band with her younger
brother for years.
MU: I imagine that was one of those blues bands.
JK: Yeah, actually the last band before Type O Negative. We played
together for four years or so.
MU: Did you ever record?
JK: I have demo tapes of it, yeah. Actually, the band had released an
independent record and my uncle played regular guitar. And the album
that they put out had Sid Falk playing drums, John Gallagher playing
bass, and another guy from Blue Cheer played on the record. Do you know
who John Gallagher is?
MU: No idea. But I sure as hell know who Blue Cheer is!
JK: The bass player from Raven! And it had the drummer from Overkill,
who before Overkill, he was playing for Paul Di'anno. All these metal
guys playing blues on this one project. When they wanted to go out to
support it, my uncles got into the picture. They rehearsed at a studio
that I worked at and the drummer couldn't make it, so my uncle asked me
to fill in. And then I wound up joining the band. I was doing that, and
I was playing speed metal with Kenny. (laughs) Kenny and I used to play
in a band together as teenagers, and it was all thrash metal!
MU: You can definitely hear that he has it in him to break out with those
ripping solos!
JK: Yeah! That's where we came from. It started from the classics like
Sabbath and Zeppelin and AC/DC, but there was a lot of Judas Priest and
Maiden. Me and Kenny used to go to L'Amours like every weekend.
(laughs) We used to go see Carnivore, Overkill, Anthrax. . . we saw so
many bands at that place.
MU: Were you ever into any of the hardcore stuff other than Carnivore?
JK: Carnivore. . . and The Crumbsuckers. That was pretty much my trip
into that.
MU: How about any of the early death metal bands?
JK: Venom was great. I love Celtic Frost! 'Morbid Tales' - I used to
listen to that all the time! (laughs)
MU: That's one of the darkest, gloomiest albums ever!
JK: It's so great! (laughs) But it was all kinds of metal. Where I came
from, the kids in my neighborhood were all into classic rock, which I
love, but they never really went past The Who. They liked Bruce
Springsteen, but I can't stand Bruce Springsteen. I met a couple of guys
in high school when I was a sophomore, and they turned me onto a lot of
stuff. I was a huge, huge, huge Motley Crue fan. 'Shout At The Devil'
is up there with 'Master Of Puppets'.
MU: I agree. No matter what anyone says, they had good songs.
JK: Exactly. 'Theatre Of Pain' - I couldn't hang with it. (laughs)
'Shout at the Devil' - I loved. 'Girls, Girls, Girls' - I couldn't
really care for. 'Dr. Feelgood' - I went back. I remember seeing that
video. The opening riff. . . great song. The chorus I'm not too crazy
about. But that opening riff - that was really heavy. They dropped all
that glam shit. But I liked a lot of hair bands.
MU: I'm a bit surprised.
JK: I really dug Tesla.
MU: They were more on the rock side.
JK: Well, yeah. But their hair was big. (laughs) So they got instantly
categorized. I didn't like Poison or any of that stuff. I was afraid
that I'd try to pick up one of them at a bar if I had too many drinks.
(laughs) Well, Crue was a hair band, and in the late eighties and 1990,
Skid Row was a hair band. But a lot of it was just rock. Rock that
chicks dug! (laughs)
MU: As far as I'm concerned, Crue's musical contribution is encapsulated
primarily in their first two albums.
JK: I thought that when Type O toured with Motley Crue, in '94 with John
Corabi singing, that that record is fucking great! It's Crue at their
heaviest. I mean, the lyrics are a little dorky. They're still Motley
Crue lyrics, but Corabi coming into the band made the band step up as a
band - best playing - best record Tommy ever did. And the music was
really heavy. They were trying to do something different. They were
trying to be a little more current, I think. And I think that they got
scared of it because it didn't necessarily click. And then they got
pushed around by their label to get Vince back into the band. And then
they went back to trying to do bubblegum party rock. But that '94 record
was really good. Sonically amazing! The best drum sounds I've ever
heard on a CD. Tommy's playing is just unreal on the record. It's
MU: I'll take your word for it. I'll definitely have to give that a
spin at some point.
JK: Yeah, you'll probably find it in the used bin for really cheap.
(laughs) It's worth it. Mick Mars did a good job on that record, and
Corabi played too. It was a good record. Had they changed the name of
the band, who knows? They still tried to maintain that level of Motley
Crue as four years earlier with 'Dr. Feelgood' and it didn't work. If
they would've done it more low-key, like starting out in clubs to allow
the band to develop as a live band, and let Corabi come into his own as
the frontman for the band, it could've been a really good band.
MU: How were they as guys to hang out with?
JK: The coolest guys ever! It was the greatest experience! They broke
us in. They were the first band to take us out for a long time. We did
ten shows with Nine Inch Nails before that, but it was the first time
doing Amphitheatres and sheds and playing big rooms. Their business
managers told them not to take us out because we weren't worth anything.
They said, "We like the band. Get them out." It was us, King's X and
Motley Crue.
MU: How did their fans react to you?
JK: They dug it! They were open-minded. It was crazy, man! It was
such a great time. We were younger, we didn't care about anything and it
didn't matter. It was the launch pad. Here I was on tour with a guy
that I worship as a drummer. And King's X was one of my favorite bands
and Jerry Gaskill is a favorite drummer of mine. I was like, "Jesus
Christ! I've got to open up for these fucking guys every night!
They're going to be hanging out. They're going to be watching the show.
This is not good!" (laughs)
MU: You were all nerves.
JK: But both bands were so cool to hang out with. We were hanging out
with Mick Mars all the time. Me and Kenny would drink all of our beer,
then we'd go into their dressing room and Mick Mars would open up the
beers and hand them to us. (laughs) They treated us really good and they
didn't have to. The tour wound up getting scaled down a bunch of times,
but even at its lowest point, it was still a step up for us. 3000 people
for them is a dud. But 3000 people for us, you can't ask for more.
Really, they helped start the whole thing. Because when we were on tour
with them, radio stations started picking up on the song. People were
calling in and starting to check out the record. The tour ended and we
went right back out in the States again on our own playing clubs. It was
sold out almost every night. After that, we got called by other bands.
Danzig took us out. Then we went out with Pantera. Then we went out with
Queensryche. And Pantera. . .
MU: You bonded well with those guys, didn't you? (laughs)
JK: (laughs) Oh, that was just pure insanity! Those guys are like family
to us. I think that they consider us to be the same. It was just one of
those points in time where the planets aligned and we all bonded. We all
had the most insane time that we could ever imagine.
MU: They're absolute hedonists! They're crazy! (laughs)
JK: They totally are. And we were running with them! (laughs) We were
the linemen, and they were running with the ball. It was a great time
and their audience was so cool to us. Those were great shows. They were
always pulling pranks on us while we were playing (and vice versa Johnny.
Your 'After Dark' DVD is evidence - JG). It wasn't a concert. It was
just a free for all, and there was background music to all of it. Then
after that we went on tour with Queensryche. They were really nice guys
and they treated us well, but it was just so. . . what a crash! (laughs)
In terms of after the show and before the show, it paled in comparison.
It was so tough (going) from Pantera to Queensryche.
Anybody's low-key after hanging out with Pantera.
MU: The Ozzfest probably staged your largest crowds, I would assume.
JK: The Ozzfest was definitely a little bit more successful in terms of
the numbers of people that they were bringing. That was also pretty
crazy too because now we were on tour with Pantera and Marilyn Manson.
MU: Did you have a chance to hang out with Manson?
JK: We would hang out a little bit. I hung out with Ginger more. We'd
bullshit and talk shop about drums. But yeah, Manson would always hang
out. Him and Peter were pretty funny together. They were not like Dean
Martin and Jerry Lewis, but something pretty close. (laughs) They were
constantly making fun of each other. Manson has the same maturity level
as we have. I mean, he saw the same cartoons and TV shows we did.
MU: A lot of it was just good 'ol fashion locker room humor, I take it.
JK: Yeah! You'd see somebody walk by in their underwear and everybody
would just lay into them. That kind of stuff. And of course everybody
would get all fucked up at the end of the night. (laughs) And then Manson
and Pantera were having contests about who could cause the most damage in
their dressing rooms. Yeah, that was always a good time, until Sharon
(Osbourne) and the security guards came in. You'd see everybody, "Uh oh.
I didn't do that."
MU: So she was like everyone's metal momma!
JK: Yeah! Sharon would come in and start crackin' heads! But it was a
great time. I'd love to do it again. We also toured with Ozzy a little
bit before that. That was with Sepultura. We did that quick run right
before 'October Rust' came out. Ozzfest is a huge machine. It started
out as being three shows: one in LA, one in Phoenix and one somewhere
else. Danzig, Alice in Chains (and) Ozzy played. And then in '97, that's
when we did it. We did the first traveling Ozzfest tour and it was a
pretty cool lineup. Roadrunner had a pretty large stake in it: Fear
Factory, Machine Head, Karma to Burn, VOD.
MU: That was actually the best Ozzfest lineup thus far.
JK:Not to be biased, but I can't help but agree with you. (laughs)
MU: (laughs) But really, Neurosis is a phenomenal band, and they were
there in '97 as well!
JK: That's right! The second stage was rockin' that year! Actually the
best second stage that I saw was the one with Motorhead and The Melvins.
And I had never seen The Melvins before.
MU: They're freaks! And I mean that in a good way.
JK: It was pure daylight, man, and they kicked my fucking ass! I had to
pick up my jaw from the floor. It was so heavy! It was so awesome! The
stuff that they were playing at that particular show kind of
reminded me of Clutch, but better.
MU: Well, I better quit while I'm far behind. Thanks so much for your
JK: Excellent man, I had a good time. Alright, I'll see you and
everyone very soon.
review of Type O Negative 'Life Is Killing Me'
review of Type O Negative 'World Coming Down'
review of Type O Negative 'Bloody Kisses'
Interview: Jay Gorania [ jay@metalupdate.com ]
Editor: Brant Wintersteen [ editor@metalupdate.com ]
Webmaster: Sean Jennings [ sean@metalupdate.com ]