Disgust, hatred, detestation and abomination - these synonyms all easily
fit into the origin and essence of what Hate Eternal is and will
continue to be. The band has breathed new life into the death metal
scene with a fresh, authoritative and highly proficient approach. After
10 years with Morbid Angel, guitarist Erik Rutan - the heart and soul of
this hate machine - now has the chance to direct his incredible skill to
the sole benefit of Hate Eternal. With this added focus, the band is
touring relentlessly in support of their sophomore effort 'King Of All
Kings'. The Metal Update checked in with Erik at a recent gig at which
Hate Eternal opened for Arch Enemy. . .
METAL UPDATE: Hey there. First off, how is the tour going so far?
ERIK RUTAN: Hey! The tour has been great. We have been having a great
time. This is a different tour, because we are touring with Arch Enemy,
and it has been playing to a lot of different audiences than what we
normally play to. It has been fun. They (Arch Enemy) are good people,
and they are a great band.
MU: It is a diverse audience indeed. . .
ER: Yes, and we are about to go on tour with Hatebreed in a couple days,
and that is another diverse type of audience we will be playing for.
MU: Well, you definitely will be opening up a whole different genre to
some of these kids, which will be interesting.
ER: Hatebreed requested us to be on this tour. Jamey the singer did. So
he made it happen for us, so we are extremely excited about this. It is
a tour about five weeks with Hatebreed, and then we are going on tour
with Deicide. We will be coming back around here shortly, so basically
you just cannot get rid of us - you cannot get rid of me! It is just
impossible. (laughs)
MU: Yeah. (laughs) You are sort of like the plague. I have been
following you guys on every tour since 1999 when you did a tour with God
Dethroned to promote 'Conquering The Throne'.
ER: At the Whiskey?
MU: Yes, at the Whiskey A Go-Go. That was a very impressive show!
ER: Thanks. We will be playing the Keyclub in Hollywood when we come
back with Deicide. . .
MU: Tell me what you were focusing on most for 'King Of All Kings'
compared to 'Conquering the Throne'. What was different?
ER: Well, with 'King Of All Kings' I just had more time to focus on what
direction I wanted to go to. I did not want to hold anything back with
Hate Eternal, which is a big part of why I left Morbid Angel - to pursue
Hate Eternal. I wanted to make Hate Eternal a force to be reckoned with,
and I knew I could not do both anymore. It was like I was losing my
mind. I did Morbid for 10 years and now I want to do Hate Eternal for 10
MU: I am sure a lot of people were disappointed about that, but,
personally, I was not extremely disappointed. I am curious to see what
will become of Hate Eternal.
ER: Well, most people respected my decision to leave Morbid Angel and I
know they miss me. I have a lot of people saying, "Morbid will just not
be the same without you." It is important to me that everyone
understands that there were no bad feelings. I left for my own reasons.
Morbid Angel is one of my favorite bands. You know, it is like working
for a company that you love for 10 years, and then you have an
opportunity to expand it into your own business. That is pretty much the
analogy I use. And with Hate Eternal we are doing it. We are really
going for it!
MU: Yes, I understand that completely. Have you guys been working on any
new material as of late?
ER: Yes, and we will have a new record out next year.
MU: Did I hear any new material at all tonight? The confusion of the
night and being in and out I was not 100% positive.
ER: No, but we will be doing another record next year. Derek and I own a
recording studio down in Tampa. Malevolent Creation recorded there not
too long ago. We have done a lot of records there.
MU: What other bands, recently, have you been working with?
ER: A band called Massacre, from Columbia. Then I am doing a band called
Premonitions Of War. They signed to Victory Records. It is not a
Hardcore band, but. . . ah. . . I don't know how to describe it - kind
of unorthodox, heavy, killer shit! I have a couple other records lined
up in between all this touring.
MU: Everything I have heard out of the studio has been awesome! And I
have to give Jared Recognition for Internecine!
ER: It gets better because we buy more gear and spend more money, you
know, and get more experience. Let's see, I have done about 13 records
so far. So every record I get better as well.
MU: So, how do you feel when somebody calls you an icon of metal?
ER: It is odd. I just feel like anyone else, I guess. It is really the
people that look up to me that are the people that keep me inspired to
continue. Those people are so important to us, and to me personally. I
feel a responsibility, actually, to them. The whole thing with Hate
Eternal was to make a band that was just totally death metal in its
origin. And, to bring back some light to the genre with a new band, you
know? It is all for the right reasons. We are doing it for the right
reasons, no compromise, just letting it flow. This is the first band
that I have really been able to let go of everything. With Morbid Angel,
everything had to go past Trey because that is his baby, so, you know. .
. I was always kind of limited in what I could express. But, with Hate
Eternal, I just give it all. The next record I am really excited about
because with the first two Hate Eternal records I was still with Morbid
Angel, so it was very stressed and I had a lot of time restraints
because of my touring and my loyalty to Morbid Angel. Now, I am kind of
a free spirit. Now, I can do what I want and take my time and really
feel happy about it.
MU: So, do you have any tentative names for this anticipated new album?
ER: No, not yet. I haven't gotten that far yet.
MU: I do admire your lyrics very much, by the way. They are actually
intellectual and a challenge to read.
ER: Thanks. I have spent a lot of time on the lyrics. I do a lot of
research and I am into a lot of different stuff.
MU: You were wearing a Suffocation shirt earlier. Want to tell us what
happened to that? Now you are wearing an Origin shirt.
ER: It was really sweaty and nasty. (laughs) I am kind of into personal
hygiene, so I had to change it. (laughs)
MU: Thank you so much for the interview Erik. Would you like to say
anything to your fans while I have this thing rolling?
ER: I would like to say thanks a lot for all the support. I appreciate
everything that everyone has done for our band and I will continue to
provide them with quality music as long as they continue to provide us
with quality support.
review of Hate Eternal 'King Of All Kings'
Interview: Meshell Lawrence [ meshell@metalupdate.com ]
Photo: Laura German [ laura@metalupdate.com ]
Editor: Brant Wintersteen [ editor@metalupdate.com ]
Webmaster: Sean Jennings [ sean@metalupdate.com ]